Day 11 – joining the Brazilian passion for sunsets and selfies

“They love sunsets, they just do, they can’t help it.”

So says our new friend Fabricio, who we met in Fernando, about his fellow Brazilians.

He says his countrymen go crazy for the end of the day, and we are in one of the best places in the country to see them: sitting on the ‘Sunset Dune’ outside Jeri (Jericoacoara) staring west at the sun what is about to go over the horizon.

It has not been a tough day.

It has been the laziest day of our trip apart from the first full day. We have read and swam and written journals and, yes, done some maths homework and eaten. Plus a bit of fighting and arguing, some of it even friendly, as that is what family holidays contain.

But today’s post celebrates the sunset and its sympatico twin, the selfie. As we have observed that if there is something Brazilians love more than tattoos and sunsets it is taking pictures of themselves. This is not an unkind comment, it is meant with some affection.

One more thing: the style here is that when the sun is about to disappear, everyone claps. We like this.

It is 40 mins before sunset and the dune is already heaving, everyone buzzing at the prospect of seeing the sun fall over the horizon.

Reservoir togs? Baton passing from mother to daughter.

This is quite sweet. The couple kissing in the center were trying to take a selfie whilst kissing. Ambitious. The large chap slightly bending over saw their logistical challenge and offered to take the photo. The couple then continued trying to get their lips in line with the sun.

Someone dreams of fame and youtube and publishing her holiday journal. Should we try to re-base her objectives?

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